Sunday, July 27, 2014

#made4math - Turn in trays

Turn-in Trays

For the past SIX years, I've always had ONE turn-in basket.  It probably looks like a lot like what some of you might have.  You know...a deep wire basket.  Then, at the end of the day, or when I thought about, I would empty the basket, sort, clip, and file.  You can read about my way to combat that issue here.

Since I've decided to turn a new leaf, so to speak, in the grading organization arena, I thought the turn-in process should change too.

Here's what I came up with.

I found these paper trays at the Target One Spot.  They fit an 8.5x11" piece of paper EXACTLY.  It makes me a little nervous that it might get a little sloppy with homework packets, but I'm just going to roll with it.

I purchased 5 yellow (one for each class), a red for late work, and a blue one for absent work.  Since I have different policies for late and absent work I figured it would be best to keep them separate.   Despite how cute they were, I thought the inside patterns were a little childish.  That was tackled easily.  

I had this contact paper at home that I've already used on a few things in my classroom.  I  cut pieces to cover the inside of the tray and fit them into the sides and bottom. 

 I haven't made it to school yet to set them out on my window sill or had time to make labels, but I wanted to share so that if you were in the neighborhood with a Target, you could get your trays before they are all gone!

Finished turn-in trays

And just because I think it's too cute not to's Mack.  Our very energetic 3-year-old fur baby. He's licking his lips after being introduced to 12 baby chickens and guineas.  Little does he know they're not meant for him.

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